How To Relieve Sore Muscles After Workout

How To Relieve Sore Muscles After Workout

When you exercise, you are putting stress on your muscles. This can cause soreness in the area where you have worked out. If you are experiencing soreness, there are a number of things you can do to reduce its severity and speed up its recovery.

First, you should get plenty of rest. If you are sore, avoid doing intense workouts on consecutive days. You can also use ice, heat, or both to help your muscles recover. Soreness is caused by micro tears in the muscle fibers.

It is important to stretch your muscles before a workout, as well as after a workout. Stretching can improve circulation, relax your muscles, and reduce the chances of injury. A warm bath with Epsom salts can also ease sore muscles. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water, which helps your muscles recover.

If you are still sore after three to four days, visit a physician. Your soreness may be a sign of an underlying health problem. For example, if you have dark urine, you might be suffering from rhabdomyolysis, a rare overtraining disorder. In addition, you should be cautious about using OTC pain relievers, since they can increase your risk of bleeding. These drugs can also increase your risk of stroke.

Another option is to apply topical ointments. These products contain numbing ingredients, so they can ease the pain. However, these products do not reach deep enough to effectively target the sore area. Alternatively, you can use an ice bag to slam the affected area. Ice can reduce swelling and pain, but can also replace the feeling of pain with numbness.

Finally, you can try yoga or foam rolling to help your muscles recover. If you are unable to do these exercises, massage is a good option. Massaging the sore muscles will also send blood to the area, easing the pain.

Some people find that acetaminophen, which is a common over the counter drug, can ease the soreness. But, low doses can actually increase your risk of heart attack. Additionally, NSAIDs can be dangerous, because they are prone to causing bleeding.

One of the best ways to minimize muscle soreness is to start out with a gentle workout. Increasing the intensity of your workouts in small increments can help you gradually build up your endurance. Light cardio or a light resistance training program are both great options for this.

Remember to always work out with proper form. Exercising with poor form can cause muscle injuries. Avoid using weights when you are sore. Instead, use a lighter version of the same weight. The more weight you use, the more damage it can cause your muscles. Ideally, you should use no more than 25 percent of the amount you normally use for a workout.

During your workout, you should also focus on keeping your muscles warm. Make sure you include a warm-up and cool down to your routine. Warming up is especially important before a rigorous workout. Heat can also increase blood flow to your muscles, which can help them recover faster.

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