How Much Should I Walk To Lose Weight

How Much Should I Walk To Lose Weight?

If you want to lose weight, you probably wonder how much you should be walking. Aside from the obvious fact that walking is good for you, it’s also a great way to stave off illnesses. And it’s a great activity to perform while you’re at work.

Walking for at least 30 minutes, five days a week is the ideal way to go about it. However, if you’re serious about getting fit, try to increase the time you spend on your walking routine. To get the most out of your walks, you need to choose a time that works for you. The morning, in the middle of the day, or at night are good times to go for a brisk walk. You should also consider the weather, and buy clothes that will keep you cool. For example, invest in a breathable, waterproof jacket that will help you walk on rainy days.

While you’re at it, you may want to purchase a pedometer to track how many steps you’ve taken. This helps you to gauge how far you’ve traveled and how long it takes you to cover it. Pedometers are relatively inexpensive, and they can be a big motivational boost.

In addition to your pedometer, you can also keep track of how many calories you’ve burned by comparing your heart rate to the recommended 60-70 percent. Using an app on your smart phone is a good way to determine this number, and you can even purchase a pedometer for just a few dollars.

As you get more accustomed to walking, you may want to add in more challenging activities. This can be as simple as taking the stairs whenever you can. But it’s also worth considering adding in strength training or Pilates. Strength training helps build your muscles, which can lead to better posture.

The key to successful walking is consistency. That means having a set schedule and sticking to it. It’s also important to make time for rest and recovery. If you’re not feeling up to a vigorous workout, take a break and then resume your exercise routine the next day.

Another important consideration is the route you take. If you’re driving, be sure to park far enough away from stores to avoid unnecessary walking. Also, when you’re on the road, keep a clear route map to help you navigate. Once you know your route, you’ll have more confidence and will be less likely to waste time on your way home.

While you’re at it, make a point to walk in nature. Not only will this make you more energetic, but it will also lower your stress levels.

As you start to see the results of your walking regimen, it will become more natural and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Be aware that some health insurance companies offer financial incentives for walking. Make sure to check with your insurer first to see if you qualify for these rewards.

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