Exercises to Help Lower Back Pain

Exercises to Help Lower Back Pain

There are a number of exercises to help lower back pain. These include walking, yoga, and resistance training. However, before starting any exercise program, you should consult with your health care provider. If you already have low back pain, you should avoid any high-impact activities. Besides, you don’t want to do too much in a short amount of time. A day or two of rest may also be necessary. In addition, you need to know what causes your back pain. Once you understand it, you can try targeted exercises that target the affected areas.

Walking is a very low impact activity. It’s important to walk slowly, and not make abrupt turns. The speed of your walk affects how your muscles are activated. You can also combine walking with resistance training, like with dumbbells.

Yoga is a mind-body activity that stretches the spine and hips. Beginner-friendly yoga poses help people who have low back pain improve their flexibility. Stretching is very important for people who have pain because it helps loosen the joints and muscles, which prevents further injury.

Physical therapists recommend daily stretching for low back pain, including stretches involving the knees and hips. They also advise doing stabilization moves that strengthen the core. Some of these moves involve the piriformis muscle, which runs from the lower spine to the buttocks. Performing the piriformis stretch for five to ten seconds at a time can strengthen and relax the muscle.

A single knee-to-chest stretch is an easy way to work the piriformis muscle. This is also known as the supine figure four stretch. When doing the stretch, flex your head forward and pull one leg to your chest. Hold the stretch for 5-10 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.

Lower back pain can be difficult to manage. If you do not get relief from your symptoms after a few days, it’s best to see a doctor. Depending on your level of pain, you should do two to three sets of stretches two or three times a day. As your back starts to feel better, you can add repetitions.

For some people with back pain, a few simple stretching routines will provide immediate relief. Ideally, each stretch should last for about 20-30 seconds. Keep in mind that if you notice any new or intense pain, it’s best to stop.

Another exercise to help lower back pain is the downward dog. This is a low-impact activity that stretches your back. Begin with your legs flat on the floor. Slide your knees slightly outward, then slide them back into position. Return to the starting position. Repeat eight to 12 times.

A leg raise is another gentle exercise to help with lower back pain. In this stretch, your legs are raised up, and the weight is evenly distributed between your hips. Start with only a few repetitions, and increase them over time. Try to hold the position for a longer period of time to improve your range of motion.

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